My words for 2018

New Year's Resolutions.  I used to do them.  They were usually "Lose weight"; "Eat better", and/or "Exercise more".  I didn't stick to them. 

I'd read last year about some people selecting just one word, a word of intention, that would guide them through any decisions or actions for that year.  The word is kind of like a prompt to check that your actions (or intended actions) line up with your values and goals for the year.

I thought I'd give this a go for 2018.  Well, I couldn't choose just one, so I went with three:  JOY, PURPOSE, COURAGE.

An emotion, delight, a state of happiness, a source or course of delight.  Also: rejoice - to give joy to or to feel joy or great delight.

Joy is more than happiness: it is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.  I will choose joy every day, in every situation.

the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists; also a person's sense of resolve or determination.

I believe that we are all created with specific purposes on this earth.  I have many roles - I'm a wife, a mother, a child of God.  This year I will commit to serving my purpose in those areas to the best of my ability.  I may not be positioned to do 'great things' right now, (and may never be), but I can do every small thing with great heart.

mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.

Courage for me means I will have faith in myself and my ability, and faith in God, to take risks, embrace adventure (big and small!) and be stronger than my fears and anxiety.

Do you set New Year's resolutions? Have you ever tried choosing words of intention?   Let me know in the comments below.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

💖 K8


  1. I love the idea of choosing more than one word! And what great words Kate! I pray 2018 is filled with joy, purpose and courage for you. My word for 2018 is "hope".

    1. Thankyou my friend.. And i pray for God's blessings on you and your family x


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